Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Say Cheez!

I have a confession to make - in addition to being a sexual deviant and a hippie tree-hugger, I'm also one of those freaks who runs stupidly long distances and calls it "fun". I ran my first marathon in October 2013, and as soon as my toenails grew back, I promptly signed up for another one. Running makes me feel peaceful, happy, and strong...but more than anything, it makes me huuuungry. So as summer training and the corresponding long runs through DC's many parks draw closer, I've been on the lookout for tasty new meals that will provide maximum fuel for minimum effort. Fortunately, there are things like Chili Mac n' Cheez to fill the gaping void in my stomach.

This mac n' cheez...I don't even know where to start. It's super easy, requires minimal standing over a hot stove when it's 80 F outside, and is SO tasty. Whenever I tell someone that I'm vegan, the response is almost invariably, "But what about CHEESE??", accompanied by a look normally reserved for people who wax their armpits or didn't like Frozen. This cheez is made from cashews, but I swear you wouldn't know it based on how creamy and thick it gets when you cook it up. Plus, this dish apparently has 19 grams of protein per serving! 19!! That's almost half the recommended minimum in one delicious bowl of pasta - vegan pasta, no less. Take that, haters.

Minimalist Baker is one of my favorite food blogs ever - I'm 100% onboard with their quick and wallet-friendly philosophy, the photography is impeccable, and I have yet to try a dish that I'm not completely obsessed with - so I'm going to go ahead and send you their way for this incredible recipe. Check out the photos below, then click your way to cheezy nirvana!

Spices and cilantro - we're off to a good start. 

Homemade fritos NOM.  

Ooh yeah. 

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