Saturday, June 7, 2014

Musing on Melted Cheese

Friends, I have a story for you. A story of Pride...and shame.

Last year, I went to DC's Pride Festival with my girlfriend and several of her friends. As the afternoon wore on, I began approaching that fine line between "I could eat" and "HANGRY". One member of our group was snacking on some pretty questionable nachos and my ladyfriend, helpful as ever, assured me that they were probably vegan because there's no way there was any actual cheese or milk in that neon goop. In my slightly inebriated state, I believed her and promptly helped myself to a big bite of hot, plasticky nacho cheese.

Shame. Immediate shame and judgement from everyone around me. I still haven't lived this down, and continue to get tormented with this story on a regular basis. Well, DC Pride is this weekend, and this time I'm going to be prepared with a big batch of Vegan Nacho Cheese in order to stave off similar mishaps and avoid further alienating my friends and loved ones!

Like real nacho cheese, this dip is smooth, creamy, and delicious on your favorite kind of tortilla chip - I alternated between Spicy Chili and Salsa Verde chips, both of which were incredible. Unlike real nacho cheese, this dip is made of actual food and contains no plastic.

I can't imagine improving upon the sheer perfection of this recipe from the fine folks at Minimal Eats, so take a break from mainlining Orange is the New Black and head on over to their blog for ingredients and instructions!

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