Monday, August 11, 2014

This Shit is Bananas

B-A-N-A-N-A-S! I spent the weekend moving into a lovely new apartment in Southwest DC and have had little access to a functioning kitchen, and so this week I'm sharing a super quick but incredibly tasty recipe: Chocolate-Covered Bananas.

Have you guys ever heard of a little store called Trader Joe's? No? Well, this fine establishment carries a wide variety of delicious snacks and sweet treats, including an out-of-this-world version of this dessert called Go Bananas. Oh Joe. The chocolate is perfectly crunchy and smooth, and the fruit inside is really soft and not overly banana-y.  My only complaint is that are only like, 20 pieces in a box, which is just unreasonable given how addicting these little banana bites are.

Luckily, Susan at The View from Great Island came up with a really easy recipe that allows you to recreate the Trader Joe's magic right in the privacy of your very own kitchen, where no one has to know exactly how many chocolatey bananas you scarf down. But they're technically fruit, right? Delicious and nutritious.

Enjoy the photos below, then click on over to The View from Great Island and make these bad boys for yourself!


  1. Beth, so glad you liked them - it's a perfect day for some frozen treats!!
