Sunday, November 2, 2014

Whip It Real Good

Apologies for the radio silence! Between running the Marine Corps Marathon and officially entering my late 20s, it's been a busy couple of weeks. Now that life has calmed down again, I want to make it up to you all with homemade hummus!

Can I tell you how long I've wanted to make my own hummus? My mom has been doing this for years and it's unfair how delicious it is - my family can inhale an entire bowl within minutes. The key to super smooth hummus, however, is having a food processor that can whip your tahini and chickpeas up to a light, fluffy cream. This critical kitchen gadget has finally entered my life, courtesy of a birthday gift from my lovely parents, and this is how I felt:

You said it, Ellen Page, you beautiful Canadian. The first thing I made was this amazing batch of hummus to have with our Saturday morning bagels, and I can safely say I will never need to buy pre-made hummus again. Check out the photos below, assemble your food processor, and head over to Inspired Taste for the recipe!

Tahini and lemon juice... chickpeas... 

...equal a beautiful brunch. 

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